Creativity Cultivator Podcast - Turning Your Business, Your Team And You Into A Creativity Cultivator

Dan Jarvis of 22Zero is healing PTSD. You read that right.



Millions of Americans are struggling with PTSD. The darkness is very real, and the condition is doing real damage to the body, not just the mind. Dan Jarvis, President of 22Zero decided to crush the problem, after his own struggle.  In this show, Jarvis discusses why 60% of veterans aren't completing the VAs programs designed to help those with PTSD. He explains how prevalent this issue is, not just in the military but also with first responders and others. In this show, we dig into what causes the problem, the current troubling stats on suicide, how people can actually change their neural pathways starting today, and why PTSD is such a lonely struggle. Go to for all the show notes.