Your Mileage May Vary

Is Mike OK?, Masturbation Speed Runs, Circumcision, Bad At Sex?



Keith asks Mike probing questions about how he's doing psychologically. Spoiler alert: Not well. But -- and this is important -- no sexual side effects to speak of. Importantly, that suggests a male potency beyond what you probably think he's capable of. We're talking Clubber Lang-level potency. In the "fastest time to nut" category, both hosts are doing decently well. There's some question as to the absolute fastest that could be achieved, but it's plainly under 5 minutes, which is impressive however you slice it. Some discussion of the attractiveness of beards on men and circumcised versus "natural" plumbing downstairs. What happens when you move on from a relationship where sex was off the hook? And can an attractive young woman actually be "bad" at sex. Not to beat a dead horse here, but we're mostly in the podcasting game for the chicks (who isn't?). So, if a lovely young lady would like to meet either host, please contact us. We get a lot of our questions from Reddit, so for our listeners' enjoyment, h