The Cari Murphy Show

The Resistance Factor: CONSCIOUSLY Shifting from RESISTANCE TO RENEWAL! !10/24/18



The intention for this show is to move you from the resistance zone into the discovery zone! There are powerful waves of energetic support to assist us in releasing any heaven, dense looped patterns of re-creating the old. We have an accelerated opportunity to release old cycles of polarity and to clear suppressed emotion that rises to the surface for the purpose of shifting from resisting opportunities for expansion into embracing them at a soul level with complete gratitude and INNERstanding. We want to facilitate the process of releasing all of the internal baggage clutter and static that is preventing you from knowing the highest, purest version of your most expansive self NOW. The only constant in life is change. As we embrace it rather than resist it, we allow for the expansion that is our birthright. From a grander vantage point, one of the greatest keys to our liberation is recognizing that everything is happening FOR US rather than TO US. In this remembrance, we are liberated. Join me as I delve deep