The Cari Murphy Show

Honoring the Core Opportunities & Challenges that our Souls Selected for this Lifetime!



Often times we are far too hard on ourselves for the challenges we face in this lifetime. Underneath the surface layer of ever experience or interaction lies a jewel intended to be realized by the soul as an opportunity. Once revealed, it holds the key to the next step on our ever-expansive journey. The multi-layered symbolism is pretty fascinating when we pay attention! When we realize that our lives and experiences contain symbolism and purpose on a soul level, we begin to see with new eyes, hear with more compassion, choose with greater love, and feel with more clarity and intention than ever before. We come forth into this physical reality on earth with the clear and specific intention to expand as a soul. The intention is expansion; with one another, in our experiences, with our circumstances and in our relationships. Although we are programmed to forget, we each came in with soul contracts with people, circumstances and events from which to have specific opportunities to experience a variety of emotion