The Cari Murphy Show

Will you say "YES" to Activating Your Divine Essence?



This show serves as a reminder from your soul to welcome new doorways of possibility and to welcome and embrace your option to upgrade and expand your life! Life is not happening to us; it is happening through us. It is a reflection of the conscious OR unconscious choices, deliberate or auto pilot choices that we are making from moment to moment. Will You Choose to Remember Your Radiance?Will You Choose to Engage with and Activate Your Divine Essence? Will You Choose to Birth a New Expansive Blueprint?Will You Choose to Accelerate Your Availability to Abundance? Will You Choose to Propel Yourself into Higher Realms of Perception?Will You Choose to Access New, Expansive Levels of Consciousness?Will You Choose to Cultivate Your Capacity to Choose Consciously?Infinite Expansion Awaits YOU!