The Cari Murphy Show

Utilizing the Gene Keys for Enlightenment with Peter Tongue!



For full recordings and replays from all shows go to: StraightTalkfortheSoul.comFor Peter's special offer go to Gene Keys take you on your own “Grail Quest” along the Golden Path to show you the key Gene Keys in your own unique hologenetic profile. The journey reveals to you the shadow energies lurking in your unconscious that are waiting to be transmuted and transformed into your most powerful gifts, and ultimately the Siddhis or Divine Essences that are at the core of your soul. This truly is a path to your enlightenment that only you can tread. The Gene Keys is a system based upon the link between the Chinese “I Ching” 64 hexagrams and the 64 Codons that make up our DNA. •Understand your Hologenetic Profile •Get started on the Golden Path •Co-creative tools and insights to help you interpret old patterns and open your greatest gifts •Receive Key Questions to help you delve deeper into your contemplations, unlocking blocks to y