Unspoiled! The Dark Tower

The Dark Tower, Part 3- Chapters 1 & 2



Forgive me if I'm not super high energy this episode, but I'm just not really my usual chipper self since there was a really dramatic and unexpected death that came OUT OF FUCKING NOWHERE and kind of laid waste to my heart a little bit? The thing that kills me about this is how well all of it is written. This is how it's done. I wish that King was at his best in this manner throughout the series because when this man gets it right, goddamn does he get it right. The tension in these chapters is brutal, and I love jumping between POVs to see everything leading up to the moment when King gets hit. I love how angry Roland is at King for putting them in this position. I even love how unfair it is that Roland doesn't get to be by Jake's side when he passes away. It's heart-wrenching, and relentless, and upsetting, and everything that the death of a main and beloved character should be. I am really not thrilled that Roland is going to have to continue on in the keystone world for even longer before going back to Sus