Unspoiled! The Dark Tower

Wind Through The Keyhole, Part 2- The Skin Man (Part 1)



Hey there, constant readers! Miles and I continue our journey through the final novel of the series, and I find that nothing is what I expected. I mean, who knew we'd basically be fighting werewolves this time?The whole deal in this section was very out of left field, but I actually really enjoyed it. I'm very on-board with seeing some of the set-up in Roland's life for the man that we came to know in the main series, and I'm really excited that there's a mystery afoot. That's not to say that there aren't some bizarre and distracting King-isms in this section because trust me, there are. But I'm more willing to tolerate them because we've got (to an extent) a clean slate in this part of the story. So who is the Skin Man? My money is on Everlynn. That's all I'm sayin. Thanks so much for listening, and I will see you soon with the section titled Wind Through The Keyhole!