Financial Survival Network

Ripple or Bust - Michelle “Mish” Schneider #5183



Mish is very upbeat on XRP, a/k/a Ripple. It’s got a number of investment uses and great tech applications. Mish likes being able to chart the cryptos and their buy patterns. Are cryptos just another Nifty 50 stock type boom? Should you HODL? Mish explains how to trade parabolic moves. Get in early on a chart signal and a strong fundamental argument. Keep risk minimal. Then as it goes parabolic, take profits on the up move. Once the public gets sucked in it’s already time to get out. Just when you thought it was safe to swipe your credit card, Inflation has come roaring back. Paul Tudor Jones came out saying inflation is here to stay. It’s going to be a factor and a threat to fiat currency, especially because of Bitcoin. Mish’s take is that gold and silver are going to much higher in the near future. It’s going to follow commodities and could go parabolic. The gold to silver ratio has flipped. What will the Fed do? Raising rates will kill the economy, keeping them low will threaten the dollar. Where’s the gro