Attra - Sustainable Agriculture

Grazing with Wildlife in Mind. Part 1



Many regenerative ranchers use mob grazing – dense herds of livestock grazing a place for a very brief time before moving on – as a way to increase grass production and improve soil health. Graziers from across the globe have had success with this approach, but, hey, what about the wild things? Is it always true that what's good for the herd is good for the bird?   This episode of Voices from the Field is the first part of a conversation between Dr. Sam Fuhlendorf of Oklahoma State University and NCAT Grazing Specialist Linda Poole about using grazing to bolster, rather than unintentionally harm, desirable wildlife on farms and ranches.   In the next episode, Sam and Linda will talk about applying their strategies to smaller operations.   ATTRA Resources:  For the Love of the Wild. Livestock Pastures as Wildlife Habitat   Other Resources:  The Prairie Project Samuel D. Fuhlendorf Publications Conservation of Pattern and Process: Developing an Alternative Paradigm of Rangeland Management Animals, Fences a