Teacher Wellbeing

New Year's Themes and a Season 2 Wrap Up



Wow, it's the final episode of Season 2 and 2017 is almost over! How do you feel about New Year's Resolutions? I generally love them, but I know some people hate them. I get it, and this year I'm feeling rather tired of constant goal setting, so I'm not going to do as much intention setting this New Year as I have in the past. However, I have decided on a motto for 2018 and a theme word for the year. I share a little bit about them in this episode, and explain why it helps me make decisions and set priorities throughout the year. Have you ever chosen a theme word for your year? I'd love to know! Thank you for being along for this podcast journey in 2017 and I hope you have a very happy start to 2018! Whether you're a resolutions fan or not, Happy New Year! And remember: you are enough, already and always <3Season 3 will be coming in Term 1, 2018 but until then, to stay up to date with me between podcast seasons, sign up for the newsletter at http://eepurl.com/cljncLThis episode is sponsored by Katrina Bour