Teacher Wellbeing

Happy 1st Birthday to the Teacher Wellbeing Podcast, and other exciting announcements!



The Teacher Wellbeing Podcast has just turned 1, and I'm celebrating! In this episode, I share with you what to expect for the podcast and Self-Care for Teachers this year, as well as a number of updates and announcements. First, a big shoutout to my Patreon supporter Kirsty! Second, an update on my book about teacher wellbeing, and how you can be a part of the process. Third, a bit about ways you can work with me this year through my Accountability or Life and Wellbeing Coaching. And finally, an excerpt from one of my favourite books about self-care that will have you reflecting on the way you might be depriving yourself of the care you are really craving. Full show notes for this episode can be found at selfcareforteachers.com.au/podcast