Teacher Wellbeing

Teacher Stories | Vince



In this episode I share a teacher story from high school teacher and side-hustler Vince. We discuss the importance reflecting on your mistakes and weaknesses, and how you can learn from them to improve the next time around. Vince also shares how useful it was for his teaching career to take a two year break and do something else for a while. We then talk about the power of hobbies and how his side-hustle has not only improved his life but also his experience in the classroom.You can connect with Vince on LinkedIn or check out his blogs and podcasts about innovation and teaching entrepreneurship over at vincemassara.comThis episode is sponsored by the Self-Care for Teachers Resource Room: an online hub for teachers to learn about health, happiness, wellbeing and burnout prevention. Check out the library. It’s a collection of free resources that you can use to be proactive about your self-care and wellbeing. Find out more atwww.selfcareforteachers.com.au/library