Teacher Wellbeing

Evidence-Based Strategies for Teacher Wellbeing, with Daniela Falecki



Daniela Falecki from teacher-wellbeing.com.au has been called the ‘Keep-it-real Teacher’ because she is passionate, energetic, funny and most importantly realistic. As a teacher for more than 20 years, she knows all too well the stress, frustrations and struggles teachers face. You might remember Daniela from Season 3 where she shared her journey from teacher to coach to PD presenter in Episode 2. She's also one of the sponsors of the podcast so I'm thrilled to welcome her back as a repeat guest! In this episode, Daniela shares how teachers are faring at the coal face, what she is hearing from teachers around Australia and some really valuable advice about time management. She also explains some important questions you need to be asking in order to support yourself, as well as evidence-based strategies for your wellbeing, and some great resources too.Find the show notes for this episode at www.selfcareforteachers.com.au/podcast and connect with Daniela @teacherwellbeing for Instagram and Facebook, @dfalecki o