Teacher Wellbeing

Three thinking traps that sabotage your wellbeing (and what to do about them)



This is the last episode of Season 4, and I'm talking about three thinking traps that sabotage your wellbeing as a teacher. I see these all the time and I experience them myself, so don’t feel like you’re alone in it. Of course it’s not an exhaustive list, but these are the top three that I see and I think it’s useful to identify them so that we can get out of the trap. I’ve heard Katrina Bourke say that we have to "name it to tame it" when talking about emotions, and I think it applies here too. Once we’re aware of these thinking traps, we can catch ourselves in the act and redirect our thoughts to be more conducive to supporting our self-care and our health and happiness, instead of sabotaging it.May the rest of your 2018 go smoothly and I hope you will join me on the socials and via the newsletter so you can be the first to know about announcements and have access to things like early bird prices for programs I'm running in the new year. Support the show at www.patreon.com/selfcareforteachers and by leavin