Teacher Wellbeing

Teacher Stories | Kelsey



In this episode I interview Kelsey, a teacher from the United States. She shares with us her wellbeing challenges of being consumed by the job in her first year, and losing her identity as a person. Kelsey then tells us how she has overcome this through intentional personal growth and self-care. We talk about decision fatigue, the power of rituals and routines, and learning to switch off at night.You can find Kelsey at @adventuringkelsey on Facebook and Instagram and also at adventuringkelsey.comConnect with me @selfcareforteachers on Facebook and Instagram and at selfcareforteachers.com.auI also have a couple of announcements!If you’re in South East QLD Miranda from Kickstart Martial Arts and Yoga and I are running another PD, a Teacher Wellbeing Workshop in Toowoomba on Saturday the 29th June, so head to selfcareforteachers.com.au/workshop for the details and to book. Spots are limited so get in quick!Speaking of events, make sure you keep an eye on the Facebook events list because I’m also running another