Teacher Wellbeing

Life after Teacher, with Gabbie Stroud (part 2)



I think this week’s episode is an absolute must-listen for any teacher today. It’s Part 2 of my conversation with Gabbie Stroud, author of the best-selling book ‘Teacher’, and if you haven’t yet, I do recommend you go and listen to Part 1 of this interview which is the previous episode on the podcast. In that episode Gabbie told us a bit about her story, we talked about the expectations on teachers and the state of education in 2019 and the visible and invisible work of the job. Plus Gabbie told us how writing the book was cathartic for her and she shared some of her recovery process too.In Part 2, we talk about the ‘soldier on’ culture in our schools and why that’s so dangerous, and how important but also how difficult real rest is. Gabbie also shares very honestly her grief over leaving teaching and the struggles that she’s had since then, plus we have what I think is possibly the most important conversation of the year when it comes to teacher health and wellbeing and burnout, which is around financial sec