Teacher Wellbeing

BONUS: Are you #teachertired? 3 ways to get more sleep this term + leave me a voicemail!



Recently on the Teachers Thriving Lounge Facebook Group, Trudy from TeachersThriving.com and I spent a good 45 minutes discussing the very important but under-researched topic of teacher sleep, and some strategies you can use to help you get a good night's rest.As Trudy says, "Sleep is the sleeper topic for educators. No-one really is talking about it but it is a big issue."So we know it's a huge problem, but what can you do about it?Well, the bad news is that there are no overnight solutions (pun very much intended!), but the good news is there is a lot you can do to reclaim your sleep and take control of your rest.All you need is your phone or computer and you can leave me a voicemail. You can ask me a question, make a comment about any past episodes, or suggest a topic for a future episode.However, what I'd really love is for you to answer the question below for a special project I'm working on for Season 6 of the podcast. In 3 minutes or less, answer the following question:Thinking back on your first year