Teacher Wellbeing

My alternative "plea to teachers" as we begin Term 2, 2020



Last week our Prime Minister recorded a message for teachers and I think it's fair to say it had a mixed reception.Today I have a message for teachers that I hope will resonate. I have been hearing from a lot of you in comment sections, in PMs and DMs, and in coaching sessions over the last month and I’m seeing some themes arising that I want to speak to.Some of you began Term 2 last week, some begin tomorrow, some have another week or so to go. In any case, you don’t need me to tell you that Term 2 this year is going to be unlike any term ever before...There are A LOT of mixed emotions flying around, and anxiety in particular is contagious. I ask you to be careful and gentle of your hearts and minds, and your social media use. Be mindful of where, with whom and in what digital forums you share and engage with your own and each others' anxieties at this time. In many ways this is a delicate time in terms of teacher status and public perception of the profession. As much as we hope people behave respectfully a