Teacher Wellbeing

A powerful story about one teacher's year of health & wellbeing reflections (Teacher Story | Melissa)



In this episode, I interview Melissa, a teacher with a powerful story about taking back control and power and responsibility for own health and wellbeing. Contribute to the Crowdfunder for Season 6 here: https://www.pozible.com/project/teacher-wellbeing-podcast-season-6I’d love to hear your questions and comments! All the details about how you can leave me a voicemail are here.Links mentioned in this episode:The Pozible Crowdfunding campaign: pledge today!Teacher Health and Wellbeing Survey coming soon: listen to the podcast episode about the 2018 survey results here.Replay Week of the Teacher Wellbeing and Resilience Free Workshops: starts 29th June. It’s free, sign up here.Fatigue Resilience Masterclasses 3 on STRESSFatigue Resilience Masterclass 4 on SLEEPReplays of Fatigue Resilience Masterclasses 1 and 2 can be purchased through the Pozible campaignDid I mention that you should pledge your support for the Pozible crowdfunding campaign for the Teacher Wellbeing Podcast today?