Teacher Wellbeing

Staff wellbeing as we transition back to on campus learning, with Katrina Bourke



This interview is with Katrina Bourke of Katrina Bourke coaching, who you may remember from way back in Series 2. We talk about schools around Australia returning to on campus learning for all students, and the way that transition is playing out for teachers and leaders and school staff, and what we can do individually and collectively to support ourselves and each other during that transition and the challenges of the ongoing uncertainty around the way the school system and the COVID-19 crisis will continue to unfold. I really wanted to release this episode this week because I believe it’s important, timely conversation for educators as schools navigate this current transition, which is happening right now.But before we get to that interview, I want to take a moment to pause and acknowledge something else happening right now. If you’re listening to this episode at the time of its release, in the first week of June 2020, there are protests in the USA this week following the murder of George Floyd in police cu