Teacher Wellbeing

Two myths that might be sabotaging your health and wellbeing as a teacher



In this episode I want to explore two myths that are sabotaging your health and wellbeing, and those are the ideas that health and wellbeing is binary and linear. Now, when I say myths, I’m not necessarily talking about mythology, as in The Greek Gods and Goddesses, Hercules and Zeus and Athena and Aphrodite. That’s not what I mean.I’m talking about that other definition of myth, which is a widely held belief or idea that is actually a misconception. However, all myths have some truth to them, but to believe them literally is problematic.So, these two myths that I want to share with you today, about binary and linear health and wellbeing outcomes, are things that our culture, our Western Industrial culture really socialises or conditions us to believe as true.We have been taught for our whole lives that life, the world, relationships, health, everything, is binary and that it’s linear. And it's not!Links mentioned in this episode:The Australian Teacher Health and Wellbeing Survey: www.selfcareforteachers.com.