Reyna's Podcast

Ep. 102 - Why My Planner Doesn’t Work and What to Do Instead



In my new podcast episode, I go over 4 reasons why my planner doesn't work for me anymore and what to use instead. I am definitely that person who loves her planners, but as I wanted to scale my business it no longer was realistic for me to use a planner anymore. Saves me time - I now use a project management tool called Asana where I can organize all my personal and business projects. It saves me time from rewriting everything and I can easily change due dates or task details. Easily delegate and outsource tasks - Once I was ready to add another person to the team to help me with admin tasks, everything was already organized in Asana and I was able to easily guide them on what to do for each particular task. Tasks can repeat - I set up (weekly, monthly, quarterly) repeating tasks in Asana which automatically reminds me what needs to get done. Give tasks more context - I love to attach the images, videos, and audio related to that task. I love having everything all in one place to easily access it. “B