Sam Sylk Show

I Kissed My Cousin



Dear Sam, I have been with my boyfriend for 2.5 years. He has always been great, not really a jealous person, other than about my cousin. I wasn’t raised with my cousin, I met him for the first time when we were 21, and at the time I didn’t know he was my cousin, we met at a club and we ended up kissing ONCE over 4-5 years ago, but nothing sexually happened, I found out he was my cousin when we linked up a week later, nor have we even mentioned it. He moved away, and he has become one of my best friends, he is always there for me and is just such an important person in my life. At no point has he tried to do anything remotely inappropriate to me. My boyfriend read thru our messages and saw that he called me sweetie and just went crazy, and said he needed a break. After 2 days he told me he can’t really see us together if my cousin is at all involved in my life. I at first agreed, but now I just keep thinking about how I’m unsure if I want to give up my cousin for him. I do see a future with my boyfriend, we h