Voice Of The Utrecht Young Academy

R2OS - What motivates academics and is #leavingacademia really happening?



Caspar and Sicco talk academic careers and what motivates you to stay in academics with Alexandra Vennekens from the Rathenau Institute. Is #LeavingAcademia really happening and what do academics actually value in their own work? And does the university think about that the same way? Some background reading: - https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-022-01512-6 Has the great resignation wave hit academia? (Nature) - https://www.mareonline.nl/opinie/waarom-ik-mijn-verloving-met-de-universiteit-verbreek/ - Suze Zijlstra (Mare) - https://twitter.com/sanli/status/1534788435684347904?s=20&t=EBCxZkQpkrPB1LPY0Wcb3g - Young Academy Research (Tweet Sanli) - https://decorrespondent.nl/13674/aan-de-universiteit-mag-een-onderzoeker-geen-mens-meer-zijn/41342173387218-787c5801 - Correspondent Article by Ilse Jozepha Lazaroms And for the Newsynews: - On the new Regieorgaan Open Science: https://www.nwo.nl/en/news/hans-de-jonge-quartermaster-director-new-open-science-regieorgaan - On the new White House Open Access pol