Elimination Of The Snakes

Elimination of the Snakes - Show #658



Life and political podcast.  Brought to you from The Divided States of America. Special guests today - James and John (Dan's Grandkids) SSDD for John! Dan has some fall trips planned. Dan's annual physical went well. Second book is almost ready. Mail Bag: ( eots@email.com ) No mail this week. Some good news: Georgia high school football players rescue woman from car accident. From an idiots mind: (FAIM) China and Taiwan... Daughter of Putin ally Alexander Dugin killed by car bomb. Trump had more than 300 classified documents at Mar-a-Lago.  The rest of the news: In a massive victory for Democrats, Medicare is poised to negotiate drug prices. Videos of the Week: Let's talk about Republicans becoming Democrats in Colorado.... Liberal Redneck - Liz Cheney and the New GOP