This Endolife

Endometriosis, Acne, and Hormonal Imbalances with Cheryl Woodman



Cheryl Woodman is a scientist, award-winning skincare formulator, acne expert and creator of Honesty For Your Skin; a safe space where you can find science-based skin help and where Cheryl also runs her online Acne Clinic. She’s been featured as an expert by Yahoo style, Byrdie and The Huffington Post and with good reason. Cheryl isn’t about quick fixes or skin fads, she’s all about root cause resolution and understanding the science behind skin. In this episode, Cheryl and I discuss hormonal and inflammatory acne and how it can be related to chronic conditions like endometriosis and PCOS, and what the hell we can do about it… Here’s what we cover: The difference between hormonal acne and inflammatory acne and how to know which one is the culprit behind your skin challenges. The key hormonal imbalances behind hormonal acne (testosterone, we’re looking at you) and their common root causes, plus how to resolve them. Some of the key causes behind inflammatory acne including gut health problems, changes to t