Apostle Anthony Wilson Ministries

Agapao Short



The Agapao Short highlights Biblical love , Real love is not just warm affection, hugs and kisses. Live through Christ, embracing God's will choosing His choices and obeying those choices by his power!  25 agapáō – properly, to prefer, to love; for the believer, preferring to "live through Christ" (1 Jn 4:9,10), i.e. embracing God's will (choosing His choices) and obeying them through His power. 25 (agapáō) preeminently refers to what God prefers as He "is love" (1 Jn 4:8,16). See 26 (agapē).  With the believer, 25 /agapáō ("to love") means actively doing what the Lord prefers, with Him (by His power and direction). True 25 /agapáō ("loving") is always defined by God – a "discriminating affection which involves choice and selection" (WS, 477). 1 Jn 4:8,16,17 for example convey how loving ("preferring," 25 /agapáō) is Christ living His life through the believer.  #agapao #biblical love, #real love, Join the support team  #support, #subscribe, support  https://anchor.fm/anthony-wilson/s