Playing Full Out With Rita Hyland

102. Rethinking Getting Things Done (4 Tools To Make Better Choices With Your Time)



How do you manage getting everything done and still have a life of your own? The answer I have for you today may not be the one you expect. This daily quest of “getting things done” and chasing work-life balance is always on my clients’ minds and it’s one that many of us struggle with. In this episode, I’m sharing the game-changing lesson I learned on a trip to Europe: sometimes we move too fast. Society’s training leads us to believe we will feel good when we get it all done, but if we deny the reality that we’re never actually getting it all done, we are destined to be unsatisfied as long as we remain on this impossible quest. Tune in to this episode to learn 4 techniques to stop being motivated solely to get it all done, to make better choices with your time, and reconfigure how you determine your worth.   Our mission is to help you become unstoppable so you can do the best work of your career while you enjoy more inner peace and personal freedom. Head to and sign up to receive podcast annou