Glass Box Podcast

Ep 104 — Mormon Numerology; Number 23



Numerology 101! What is it? How many is it? Why is it? We do a quick deep-dive into the esoteric field of numerology and how it influenced Joseph Smith and early Mormonism. We even find out our own numbers just for the fun of it! After that we talk about The Number 23 starring Jim Carrey in a very non-Jim Carrey role, witnessing him driven to madness by, you guessed it, the number 23. We round out with a brief signal boost of the recent sex abuse scandal with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Which sex abuse scandal specifically? Any of them because they never end.   Show links:    Number Symbolism Pythagorean numerology Kabbalah numerology Chaldean numerology  The Philosophy of Numbers by L. Dow. Balliett   Happy News: