Glass Box Podcast

Ep 105 — Mormonism, Evolution, & Eugenics; Mill Mess pt. 6



What a fun grouping of topics! We do a relatively long deep-dive into the history of how the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has dealt with organic evolution and how the stance has changed over time. Of course, the Book of Mormon is predicated on eugenics, as is the history of Utah, so we also include this more controversial subject as it is related. Then we dive into Bruce R. McConkie’s Millennial Messiah where he continues to harp on his favorite topic, the end times. Turns out the book title is very revealing of the subject matter. We wrap the episode with a new press release from the White House about government-funded research.   Show links:  Improvement Era article (Official publication on organic evolution) Organic Evolution (current Church official) Pew Research i