Happy Hour Podcast With Dee And Shannon

HPP 134 - How Horses can Help you Heal with Chris



Episode 134: How Horses Can Help You Heal w/ Shannon and Chris  In this episode, Shannon and Chris from Joshua Tree California, owner of Mustang Sanctuary Ranch, talk about how horses help humans heal. Chris shares what he does with the beautiful wild mustang population and how his ranch operates. Although he runs a Mustang rescue ranch, and they predominantly focus on Mustang rescues, but they do have a couple other horses there. He’s just doing as much as he can to make sure that he put his best foot forward in educating and getting awareness out there about what these animals are going through and hoping that we can open our doors to as many as possible. He then shares how horses help us heal, just to kind of give an idea of what the healing magic for horses is, they say a human's heart rate or heart energy emanates, six feet and horse’s is 8 feet. So as soon as you even get anywhere near these horses, they feel you and in turn that energy, the “unseen force” as Chris calls it, calls out to the horse, good