RIA Weekly

Episode 374: Is there no Dev in DevOps?



This week we discuss DevOpsDays Dallas, devs not wanting to do ops, Twitter Security issues and Apple playing the long game. Plus, some thoughts on Dr. Pepper and Burger King. Runner-up Titles Don’t have the USB cable Barton, can you get me a drink? Just like a beer This is my own podcast, I can do whatever the fuck I want! One day, I’m going to stop being the the butt of all the jokes Throwing a lot of Harvard shade. If you are in France, eat at the Burger King They came for the DevOps glory The jury’s still out for the Dev in DevOps The same sane things Security, always a problem What if there was just one company? Rundown Dallas DevOpsDays (https://devopsdays.org/events/2022-dallas/welcome/) Devs don’t want to do ops (https://www.infoworld.com/article/3669477/devs-don-t-want-to-do-ops.html) Twitter Twitter's security alarm (https://www.axios.com/newsletters/axios-login-34223563-612c-45a2-b8f2-0ff779d0c0f9.html?chunk=0&utm_term=emshare#story0) Twitter Whistleblowing Report Actually Seems To Confirm Twitter’