Sales Genius

The Sales Genius with Guest Mike Moll



The Sales Genius staff is happy to bring you, Mike Moll.   Mike will share: How to Build Simple Business Systems to Make Hiring More Successful  Mike's info: Mike is like you; he started as an ambitious entrepreneur, determined to make a difference and create sustainable revenue, doing what he loved.   But being an expert is hard, and building a successful business is even harder. Stepping beyond referrals and word of mouth is an unfamiliar place, full of rejections, too many options, and not enough clarity. It’s easy to get lost in the sea of marketers and salespeople telling you what to do and when and how. And none of them know your business. None of them understand your problems.   As a business owner, I get it.   You can craft a great product and create a good living, but making an impact doesn’t happen with hard work. It takes a system. A system designed to get the right people to understand the right things about what you do and how you will fix their problems. B