Dr. Westin Childs Podcast: Thyroid | Weight Loss | Hormones

Magnesium and Hashimoto’s: 5 Big Reasons You Need it



Magnesium plays a very important role in both regulating your immune system and your thyroid. In this video, we are going to discuss the importance of healthy magnesium levels in Hashimoto's and 5 big reasons why you need to make sure your magnesium levels are optimized! Magnesium is one of 3 big nutrients that are required to prevent thyroid gland damage from thyroid gland inflammation, the other two being iodine and selenium. Magnesium is used in over 300 different cellular processes beyond just the thyroid. Magnesium deficiency is VERY common in those with Hashimoto’s for 3 mains reasons: #1. the standard diet is naturally low in magnesium because it is depleted in the soil. #2. Thyroid problems change magnesium metabolism such that you may not use it as well as normal. #. Stress depletes magnesium and thyroid patients are more susceptible to stress. 4 Reasons patients with Hashimoto’s NEED magnesium #1. Magnesium is needed to produce ATP which is necessary for iodine entry into the thyroid gla