Our Lady Of Lourdes Podcast

Christ Comes to Divide? | Fr. Sean's Homily | 20th Sunday of Ord. Time | 8.14.2022 | Fr. Sean Conroy



Christ Comes for Division, Not Peace? | 20th Sunday of Ordinary Time | 08.14.2022 | Fr. Sean Conroy Today’s readings: https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/080722.cfm Polish man named Raymond: had a vision of Mary holding a red crown (martyrdom) and a white crown (purity/celibacy) Years later, he became a Franciscan. Started a radio station, and talked about Mary and the saints to bring people hope. This all arose at the same time of the world wars. September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland from the west, and a few weeks later, Russia invaded Poland from the East, which made Poland the center of the war in many ways. During the invasions, many priests were arrested, including Raymond—twice. The second time, one man was arrested for escaping, and they lined up the male prisoners for execution. The escapee begged for his life, because he had a wife and children. Raymond immediately stepped forward and offered his life in his place. The SS soldier was so touched by Ramond’s compassion, he spared him at the beg