Australia India Institute Podcast

Chats over Chai - Love and Tagore: Home and the World



Tagore is one of the founding fathers of the Republic of India, alongside the likes of Nehru, Gandhi and Ambedkar. He was a world-renowned poet, composer, playwright, painter and social reformer among many other things and was best known outside of South Asia for his collection of poems, Gitanjali, that awarded him the Nobel prize in Literature 1913, the first non-European to win such a prize. Tagore authored around 200 books and made 3000 artworks. He founded an art school, university, and rural development institute and composed the National anthems of both India and Bangladesh. There are a myriad of reasons to study Tagore, so today we are going to explore his work on love in terms of its norm-making and worldmaking. To explore this, CEO Lisa Singh will be joined by two leading Tagore scholars: Dr Liane Hartnett and Professor Bindu Puri for this Chats over Chai podcast episode.