Never Ever Give Up Hope

Does a Great Brand Change the Way Others See You - Or the Way You See Yourself?



Almost 8 years ago, Tonya Eberhart’s 20-year marriage ended, and she left behind two businesses. She walked out the door with her first BrandFace book in her hand and a newly founded business of the same name. She had one client. This brought a tremendous amount of stress and pressure but when your dream is strong enough, you push through the pressure. Tonya Eberhart is an international bestselling author, host of the BeBoldBranding Podcast, and founder of BrandFace, a branding firm that helps podcasters, authors, coaches, speakers, and solopreneurs in four countries and 43 US states to stand out and become an authority in their market through the power of personal branding.  Tonya's humble career began while selling vacuum cleaners door-to-door to pay her way through college. This led to a job in radio and listening to local advertising, she realized the power that personal branding has on a business.  Almost two decades and many successful brands later, she founded BrandFace, a personal branding firm compri