Dementia Matters

Improving Registries and Representation in Alzheimer’s Disease Research



Research participants are recruited through a variety of practices. One of the most popular tools are registries, but how can registries affect diversity and representation within research? Josh Grill joins the podcast to discuss his work studying research registries, their effects on representation for disadvantaged communities, and how research recruitment and outreach can be improved going forward. Guest: Josh Grill, PhD, director, Institute for Memory Impairments and Neurological Disorders, associate professor, University of California, Irvine Show Notes Learn more about Dr. Grill at his bio on the University of California - Irvine website. Read Dr. Grill’s study, “Diversifying recruitment registries: Considering neighborhood health metrics,” through the National Library of Medicine website. Learn more about University of California - Irvine's Institute for Memory Impairments and Neurological Disorders (UCI-MIND) on their website. Listen to our episode with Dr. Amy Kind about the link between neighborhood