Catholic Phoenix Podcast

Ep. 67: Jamie Hanson On Books



Phoenix-area Catholic extraordinaire Jamie Hanson shares his reading suggestions with Doug, who returns the favor. The each give 10 or so accessible and enjoyable books that might appeal to a wide variety of people and serve as great gifts it you get caught in a lurch. Jamie is a founding member of Catholic Phoenix. Right now, however, his efforts are focused on creating and running The Kindling, a website that showcases Phoenix-area Catholic writing. In his spare time, he is a husband, father to six, and a lawyer. Sponsors for this week: Eddie Mortgage-Try them and experiences the difference at Caritas Press-Catholic reading from rosary meditations to children's fiction! Visit them at Get your Catholic calendars at calendars for a timeless faith. List of books mentioned in this episode: True Grit by Charles Portis The Dog of the South by Charles Portis Arizona Outlaws and Lawman by Marshall Trimble The Last Gunfight b