Sofa King Podcast

Episode 676: Yellowstone: World-Ending Super Volcano!



On this episode of the Sofa King Podcast, we talk about the Supervolcano under Yellowstone National Park. The Yellowstone Supervolcano is one of the few in the world, and if it ever erupts, it will be a world-ending, cataclysmic event. America will pretty much be a wasteland (and a good chunk of Canada…sorry neighbors to the north). If there is a super eruption, it will last for months, send magma nearly 70 miles into the sky, and bury a significant portion of the U.S. in over ten feet of burning ash. So, what is NASA’s plan to cool it down? When did it erupt last, and when do the pattern suggest it is due again? Why do some geologists think it will never happen again? Listen, laugh, learn.   Visit Our Sources: