Michiana Story Hour With Gregg Fraley

Authors of Creative Leadership, Gerard Puccio and Mary Murdock talk to The Innovise Guys



The Innovise Guys recently caught up with Dr. Gerard Puccio, program chair at the International Center for Studies in Creativity at Buffalo State College (SUNY) and his faculty colleague Dr. Mary Murdock at the American Creativity Association Conference. Together, with Marie Mance, they have just published a brilliant book, entitled Creative Leadership: Skills That Drive Change. In this fast-paced, fun and substantive interview, Puccio and Murdock discuss the connection between leadership and creativity. As the introduction to the book explains: “Change originates in creative thought, and the ability to engage in creative thinking or foster it in others is a skill that separates those who lead from those who follow … Creative thinking is the fuel that makes leadership work.? Leveraging more than 50 years of research in characteristically thorough fashion, the authors have written this book from the perspective of creativity as a core leadership competence. This is an informative and fun interview – at some