Flower Power Garden Hour

Flower Power Garden Hour 154: Pollination, with Tora Rocha of Pollinator Posse



Over 80% of plants need pollinators to reproduce -- this includes a majority of crops humans eat. To say that pollinators are important is an understatement. The founder and CEO of the non-profit Pollinator Posse, Tora Rocha, joins me to discuss what we can do on our part. She gives tips on how to create a pollinator friendly garden, plants that are both food and host plants, and how to create a Monarch habitat. We learn how many native California bee species there are…. it’s a lot. Tora can be found at: Instagram: @pollinatorposse & @toranado12 Facebook: @Pollinator Posse Website: pollinatorposse.org Website: xerces.org   To ask questions for future shows, submit them at: Facebook Instagram email Marlene at marlenetheplantlady@gmail.com Find Marlene over on YouTube, Instagram and Facebook