The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

477: Leadership's Necessary Cocktail of Strategy, Culture and Brand



Leadership encompasses many required skills and mind sets and it is always interesting to dissect the topic from fresh angles to shed some light on areas where we could be making a bigger effort.  Japan has hordes of managers, but no so many leaders.  The managers here are great at getting the operational side of things humming like a finely tuned engine.  They are brilliant on eliminating errors and avoiding defects.  Deadlines get met, things work well and the wheels of commerce turn as they were designed to do.  Leaders do all of these things, plus some important additions.  They build the people and they set the direction for the enterprise.   There are many levels of leadership and so many levels of strategy too.  The CEO nestled high on the Executive Floor works with the Division Heads and collaboratively they set the overall strategy for the organisation.  At each level below, the leaders should set their strategies to fit under the overall umbrella determined by the big bosses.  Except in Japan mostly