Scott Radley Show

What do we not understand about North Korea? How much hinges on the next Tiger-Cats game? Why is the real estate market cooling, is it too cold?



The Scott Radley Show Podcast The Canadian housing market is cooling. Is this abnormal? Scott asks an expert. Guest: Rob Golfi, of The Hamilton Real Estate Show, and Rob Golfi REMAX Escarpment Golfi Realty Inc. - The Hamilton Tiger-Cats are looking to turn this season around. The fans are restless but the Ti-cats might have a big chance this weekend. How much is riding on this game? Guest: Rick Zamperin, host of The 5th Quarter on, and Assistant Program/News/Senior Sports Director at AM900 CHML - North Korea has been stepping up its shows of military strength, and we may have a lot of misconceptions about the country and its leadership. What do Guest: Gordon Chang, columnist, blogger, television pundit, author and lawyer