Triangle Tactical - Uspsa | 3 Gun | Idpa | Competitive Shooting

The Biggest Problem With Advancing Gun Rights



[powerpress] Long story short, I believe the biggest barrier that we face to advancing gun rights isn't politicians, but swaying the vast majority of the general public who are indifferent, or on the fence about guns.  What I've found is, if you're just a normal person who likes to shoot, and talks about it in a normal way, most folks are pretty receptive.  However, if you're rocking a "Hillary for Prison" shirt and whatnot (i.e. dressed in a way that automatically politicizes a conversation) the general public is going to be much less receptive to your message. If you want to make something "normal" you've got to be normal.  Shirts! Check out this shirt I'm selling over on Teespring. I think it's pretty great, and I'm quite excited about it.  First Match Voicemail: Matt in Indiana sent in a great first match voicemail for this episode, and it made me want to remind everyone out there that I'm here to help.  If you want to get started in competitive shooting, and have questions, hit me up. Shoot me an email