Scott Radley Show

Should we trust Doug Ford if he's this vague? Is streaming the end of musical albums? How much would you spend on your pet's treatment? How did McMaster become a volleyball powerhouse?



After Doug Ford's appearance on Scott Thompson's show this afternoon, we ask if he's employing the correct strategy. Should he be taking specific aim at all things Kathleen Wynne -- including the seemingly peripheral ones like sex ed -- or keeping things general and simply waiting to be swept into office as the polls suggest? Guest: Brad Clark, CEO and Principal at Maple Leaf Strategies- The music industry is in freefall. Not the artists but album sales. Back in 1999, nearly a billion CDs were sold. Last year it was fewer than 180 million. Can this be changed or have attitudes about streaming and expectations of being able to get stuff for free sunk in too deeply? Guest: Bobby Owsinski, Author of 23 books on recording, music, the music business and social media-Pets bring great joy into everyone's lives but just like us, they get sick too. When this happens, the cost for treatment can get extremely expensive. Some people will go to great lengths and spend lots of money for their pet but how much are you wi