Flame On!

Gay Life: The Queer Ideal Dream



Did you ever drift off when you were young and dream about what your life would be like when you were older? Did that ideal dream change as you began to accept your queerness? As you learn more about who you are, it's always easy to look back and wish you could do it all over again, but is that really the best thing that could happen? Load up this new volume of Now That's What I Call Gay Life and get ready to hop in the time machine!The dog days of summer have had us sweating, but BeeJay is ready to take over the host chair and lead another discussion in our Now That's What I Call Gay Life series. Joined by Pat Da Bear, BeeJay posits the question, what is your ideal life and future and how has that changed over time? In this very intimate discussion the boys open up about what life was like for them as young queer folks and how the heteronormative structure of their worlds shaped their ideal future and how coming to terms with being gay changed their thoughts about what that future actually looks like. T