Purple Patch Podcast

231 Matt’s Journey to the Haute Route Alps – A Case Study of a Challenge for a Multi-Day Bike Race



In this episode of the Purple Patch Podcast, Ironman Master Coach Matt Dixon frames his preparation and training path as he sets his sights on the Haute Route Alps, a 7-day cycling challenge through the heart of the Alps. The Haute Route Alps is thought of as one of the toughest endurance cycling events in the world and is the original version of the Haute Route Series of events now spanning the globe. Matt and his team, consisting of his two brothers and a group of friends, will traverse some of the most challenging uphill climbs in cycling. (47:16) "We have eight folks, all time-starved, all middle-aged men...that are going to do this thing on a very similar program." The course spans from Nice, in the Côte d'Azur, to Megève, in the Mont Blanc massif and features 6 mountain stages of the Tour de France along with a hill-based time trial. With the Haute Route only weeks away, Matt outlines his approach to the event, giving us a classic example of a time-starved athlete balancing training for a major challe