QNA Trivia Quiz Network

QNA Trivia Podcast 05 - A Long Distance Dedication



Subscribe to us via RSS/iTunes here. This week: we send off the burnt-honey voice of America's musical custodian, and give away more TCONA4 tickets! Plus questions about Famous People Named For Other Famous People, Brothers & Sisters, and Broken Things. (This podcast is going out a day late, because I was unable to speak properly before this morning. We're still new at this, but next week we'll be back on Thursday like usual.) Questions by Leslie Gilbert Elman and Tony Hightower. Intro & Outro music by Luis Bacalov. Question theme sounds by Sternklang. This week's podcast is sponsored by the Trivia Championships of North America. Tickets are just $169 for a short time, and space is filling up quickly. Get in! Tickets & info at TCONA.com. Please, pass this along. And thanks for listening.